/Values & Team

Our strength lies in the know-how of our employees!

The MAXAR team thrives on the diversity of its minds — a flexible, interdisciplinary team whose ideas are creative, cost-effective and practical. Our employees know what they are talking about and what they are doing, each contributing their own expertise.
Our network of qualified partners complements our expertise and supports us in the innovative and high-quality implementation of construction projects and renovations.
Openness, mindfulness, seriousness, comprehensiveness, and honesty are the cornerstones of our work. Intensive exchange, enjoyment in our work, and a sense of humor bond us together as a team.
Ein Mann und eine Frau arbeiten im Hintergrund an der Konstruktion des Projekts.
Dr. Mario Weißkopff
Dr. Mario Weißkopff has completed numerous training programmes and study courses in the field of real estate. In addition, he has a doctorate in economic and social history from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
Dr. Mario Weißkopff possesses years of experience as a managing director and member of the executive board in various real estate companies. His primary areas of expertise include the development and realisation of real estate projects, real estate sales and property valuation.
Dr. Mario Weißkopff

Werte&Team | MAXAR AG – Vielfalt und Expertise für nachhaltiges Bauen

Unsere Werte: Nachhaltigkeit, Qualität und Vertrauen

Das Team hinter MAXAR AG: Erfahrung und Leidenschaft

Gemeinsam für nachhaltige Bauprojekte und zufriedene Kunden

Unsere Vision: Zukunftssicheres Wohnen für alle

Ein starkes Team für innovative Wohnlösungen

Unsere Expertise: Vom Konzept bis zur Umsetzung

Wie wir als Team Herausforderungen meistern

Vertrauen und Transparenz als Grundlage unseres Erfolgs
